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Radiation Detector and Nuclear Reation.

Radiation Detector

Nuclear radiation can not be detect by our senses hence we use some observable  detecting methods employing the interaction of radiation with matter.Most detectors of radiation make use of the fact that ionization is produced along the path of the particle. These detectors include wilson cloud chamber,Geriger counter and solid state detectors.

Wilsom Cloud Chamber

it is a device which shows the visible path of an ionizing particle,It makes use of the fact that supersaturated vapours condense preferentially on ions.if an ionizing particle passes through a region in which cloud droplets are about to form the droplets will form first along the particles path showing the path as a trail of droplets.

Geiger-Muller Counter
Geiger-Muller Tube is a well known radiation detector.The discharge in the tube results from the ionization produced by the incident radiation.It consists of a stiff central wire acting as an anode in a hollow metal cylinder acting as a cathode filled with a suitable mixture of gas at about 0.1 atmospheric pressure.

Nuclear Reaction

Such an equation represents a nuclear reaction.However,it was Rutherford who first of all expressed his opinion that besides natural radioactive decay processes other nuclear reactions can also accur.A particles x is bombarded on any nucleus X and this process yield a nucleus Y and a light object y as given below.

X+x ---- Y+y

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