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China's Way to Progress and Social Security Benefits.

China is now the fashion around the world, and in no uncertain terms. Everywhere politicians of the most conservative and bourgeois kind are attempting to rebuild for themselves a compromised career by singing the praises of Mao Tse-Tung.

In the year 2000 China will still be powerfully agricultural and peasant country, for its modernization will have occurred without a flight from the fields, which is the price paid by the West.

The Chinese model cannot be analyzed according to its differences from the western system. It involves an utterly different approach. It is the creation of a new world and a new man. The cities show an absence of automobiles ( which is 'neither backwardness nor delay, but a rejection," to quote Robert Guillain) advertising neon signs, and the three fevers of money alcohol and sex.

China's Social Security Benefits.

 The monthly cost of living is officially calculated for every region of the  country. In peking for example, it was recently quoted at 12-14 yuan a month (4.80-5.60 dollars) of which 10 go towards board and 3-4 for rent in State apartments. Many workers are also housed within the factories.
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